TRIP REPORT: Torreya Trail Rerouting

February 20-22, 2009
Jerry Herting

A hearty group of volunteers braved near-freezing overnight temperatures to reroute the Gregory House South Connector Trail, which leads from the house down to the River Bluff Trail.  A total of 19 volunteers were involved in the project — which replaced a steep, badly eroded section of trail with a new trail following natural contours with less grade, allowing rain water to sheet-flow across the trail.  The new trail begins on the river bluff at the southwest corner of the lawn behind the Gregory House and meanders down-slope through lush native vegetation.  Butch Siegel, a trails specialist from Wisconsin who spends winters working on FTA projects, was the project director and technical advisor.  I, as FTA Section Leader for the Torreya Trail, coordinated the project and led one work group.  Other work groups were led by Mike Tucker, Bob Daniels and Thomas Smith.  Ronny Traylor provided overall assistance and Leigh Brooks offered advice on native plants to be preserved along the new trail.  Joe and Rebecca Follman painted the blue blazes signifying a connector trail.  Barbara Donner served as camp hostess, providing delicious meals for the hungry crew.  Others working on the project included Dawn Brown, Arthur Ward, Mary Alice and Michael Linzy, Bob Gilley, Jason Kam, Fred Jagels, Galen Moses and George Weaver.

(Photos by Rebecca Follman)

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